Effective January 2025
Behapp is a service aimed at collecting and analysing behavioural data gathered from smartphones of participants for the sole purpose of supporting scientific (and medical) research endeavours. This service will therefore only be present in formal scientific studies and is set up to adhere to standards, regulations and ethical considerations that apply to human subject research. The service is operated by the Behapp research team at the Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (University of Groningen, Netherlands).
From the perspective of a participant, your experience with Behapp will mainly revolve around our smartphone application, also named Behapp, which is responsible for collecting said behavioural data from your smartphone. In this privacy policy document we will tell you about the kinds of data that we collect, how we use the data and how we protect the data and by extension your privacy.
Our smartphone applications can tap into various sources of information on your smartphone.
It is important to know that this application will never register any content (what you write, what you say or what someone says or writes to you).
The exact information collected from your phone will be clearly communicated to you before you decide whether you install the app. This is called the informed consent process. Below, we provide a full overview of the data collection capabilities of the app, which may or may not be activated for you, below. The exact combination sources used by our app depends on the study you are involved in. Researchers responsible for your study may choose to exclude sources if they deem it unnecessary for their research.
Lastly when the app contacts our systems to send over data collected from your smartphone this event by itself is logged including IP address information of the location from where a network connection was made. This information is stored separately from the personal and smartphone collected data mentioned before and only retained for a maximum 30 days after being logged.
Your smartphone collected data and personal information will be used to support the research goals of the study by which are involved in using Behapp, for example but not limited to:
Next your data may also be used to support research goals of Behapp wide analytical endeavours by aggregating participant groups. Aggregated participant groups are classes of participants e.g. with a specific mental health issue such as a depression or dementia which are grouped together for analysis regardless of their study. Concrete analytical operations remain similar to as mentioned above.
Lastly, IP address information will be used to diagnose / troubleshoot the Behapp service itself. It will play no part in formal research efforts of our study partners and our own research projects. The data will therefore only be accessible to system administrators excluding researchers.
At any time during your participation in a scientific study are you allowed to withdraw your consent and stop participating. Upon removal of the Behapp app from your smartphone, data collection will stop immediately.
Depending on the study that you participate in, you may also request the deletion of your data. However, the degree to which your data can be retracted and deleted depends on your specific study. In general we recommend that you contact your study manager if you have any questions about data deletion in your study.
Note that we cannot process data deletion requests that are made directly to us since we do not store any personal information that will enable us to determine which data belongs to you. Any deletion request will need to go through your study manager. Based on their request we will make sure to purge your data from our systems.
If you have any difficulties in getting hold of your study manager send us a message at info@behapp.com and we will try to contact your study manager for you.
We are keenly aware of the privacy sensitive nature of the data that we collect about you and we are committed to ensuring that this data remains well protected and is handled with care.
Your information will only be directly accessible by Behapp researchers with relevant job roles regarding the handling and analysis of data. All researchers have received instructions to ensure a secure and responsible working environment, as specified in our information security policy, wherein your data will be used.
Your data, in other words the raw data, and any subsequent derivatives may be shared with the research team / consortium directly responsible for your study. We will not sell or rent your information to third parties, this includes third parties that may be involved in your study but are otherwise not involved in further analytical handling of the data.
We keep this policy under regular review as part of a continuous data protection impact assessment (DPIA) cycle mandated by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and as such may be updated over time.